Monday, October 21, 2013


I recently researched the benefits of wheat grass and started taking a wheat grass supplement.  So here's the scoop...

What is wheat grass?  
"Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum...Wheatgrass is a natural source of vitamins and antioxidants, including:
  • Vitamins A, E, and B-12
  • Calcium
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
One ounce of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the vitamin and mineral content of one ounce of fresh vegetables."

Some credit to Ann:
"The woman credited with bringing wheatgrass into the modern health mainstream was the late Ann Wigmore, a holistic practitioner who got turned on to wheatgrass and other natural foods while battling colon cancer and wanted to spread the word. Though Wigmore's credentials have been questioned, and her ideas are considered unorthodox by much of the medical establishment -- the Massachusetts Attorney General sued her in the 1980s for making false health claims -- wheatgrass caught on and became a sort of health food phenomenon."  (Check out

What can wheatgrass do?
"They say it can strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and ward off disease. Folk medicine practitioners once used wheatgrass for everything from treating constipation to easing the pain of rheumatism."

"People use wheatgrass to combat a number of everyday health conditions, including colds, coughs, fevers, digestive ailments, and skin conditions. Wheatgrass has also been used to prevent and treat more serious conditions, from cancer to AIDS. Some people even claim that a wheatgrass diet can shrink cancerous tumors and improve survival.
Many people who swear by it say that the potent ingredient in wheatgrass is chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color. They claim chlorophyll acts like hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen) and increases oxygen levels in the body."

How is it used?
"Most people don't eat the wheatgrass itself, because it's tough to digest. Most often, the leaves are crushed and squeezed to make wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass leaves also can be dried and made into tablets or capsules. Some people mix wheatgrass with water and use it as an enema to cleanse the digestive system."

I purchased 100% Wheat Grass Juice Powder  - Now Certified Organic brand - from, $14.99 (  It has Vitamin A, Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin K.
I originally tried it as suggested on the bottle - 2 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water - and it was very difficult to get down as it tasted TERRIBLE!  It literally tastes like liquid grass.  Also, no matter what I did, my breathe smelled HORRIBLE for the next 24 hours and, even though I was not in pain, I could tell that my stomach was struggling to digest it...let's just say that I felt very uncomfortable.

So, instead, I changed the way I take it.  I now put approximately 1 teaspoon into my shakes/smoothies and 1/4-1/2 teaspoon into my oatmeal and yogurt+granola.  You may still need to brush your teeth and/or chew some mint gum afterwards, but your breathe won't be nearly as bad as taking a full dose straight.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Knees Knees Knees - Patellar Tendonitis

I have recently, and unfortunately, had some issues with my knees, which has been terrible.  When your knees are out of commission, it is ROUGH!  Especially when you are in the process of moving into a new apartment with no elevator, requiring you to walk up 2 flights of stairs, of course.

I started the TurboFire 90 day workout challenge by Chalene Johnson ( and LOVED it.  It was tough, but I really wanted to get into a regular exercise routine and get in shape.  On the 3rd week, I started feeling pressure in both of my knees whenever I put weight on them, especially when going up and down stairs.  I even had trouble sleeping at night because the muscles around my knee cap were spasming, which was more annoying than painful.  It was like Chinese water torture - no rhythm, just random spasms.

So I paused my workouts and did some research.  Through some blogs on the BeachBody website, I found that many other people had a similar problem, whether it be with TurboFire or a different program.  Turns out, pivoting is VERY important.  I wish I knew this earlier!

The TurboFire workout involves a lot of twisting to the side + punching.  It's very important to pivot and bring your knees with you when you do this.  Do not keep your knees facing forward when you turn/twist.  This pulls on the knees and can cause problems.

I also found out that working out on carpet, which I was doing - of course, causes some resistance to pivoting due to the friction.  So you are supposed to workout on a hard floor or, as one blogger suggested, put packing tape on the bottom of your shoes.

Another blogger on the BeachBody website suggested the Mueller Knee Strap (about $6 for one on  I immediately ordered 2.  It's a single, velcro strap that wraps around the knee just below the knee cap.  It is "designed to improve patellar tracking and elevation by applying mild pressure on the tendon below the kneecap. The tubular insert provides uniform pressure and helps provide pain relief ("


I also ordered a Mueller Max Knee Strap (about $17 for one on  It has 2 velcro straps, one going just below the knee cap like the single jumper strap and the other just over the knee cap.  It is designed for "support for relief of pain associated with soreness, stiffness and arthritis. Compression tubes target above, below and on both sides of the knee. This lightweight and comfortable support provides targeted compression without reducing mobility. Upper and side compression tubes target misalignment and help improve patellar tracking ("

After a week or so of staying off my knees as much as possible, icing, and wearing the straps, I went to my doctor.  As was already stated by my friend, Erin, who has pretty much become an expert on knee issues, my doctor said I had all the symptoms of Patellar Tendonitis, also called "jumper's knee."  The Patellar tendon is connected to the knee cap.  Patellar Tendonitis "occurs when the patellar tendon and the tissues that surround it become inflamed and aggravated...The main cause of this is overuse ("  My doctor told me to ice my knees for about 20 minutes 3-4 times a day and take an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen which, of course, I'm allergic to.  All of my research pretty much gave the same suggestions for treatment - rest your knees, ice, take an anti-inflammatory, and wear knee straps.

My BeachBody coach also suggested the Osteo Bi-Flex supplement, which I immediately ordered and have been taking every day.

 I also take a Turmeric supplement every day.  Turmeric supports healthy joint functioning along with several other benefits.  You can purchase it at and most stores that sell supplements/vitamins.

Because of how often we use our knees and how practically impossible it is to stay off them completely, this condition takes a while to heal and requires patience.  I have put my TurboFire workout on hold for about 2 weeks now and have disappointingly accepted the fact that I may have to start all over again when my knees are finally better.  But I'd rather do that than cause any further damage or injury to me knees.

*Here's my disclaimer so no one sues me after reading this:  If you ever have problems with your knees, always have a medical professional diagnose you.  Don't diagnose yourself.  It's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Coconut Oil - Alzheimer's/Dementia treatment and other health benefits

I have recently been made aware of the significant benefits of coconut oil and implemented it into my diet.  The benefits are seemingly endless - healthier skin, healthier hair, healthier mind, healthier body now and in the future...

Coconut oil, while used in many other countries for years, received a bad rap in the U.S. for a while.  It's benefits are now becoming more known and appreciated.  Many are realizing that it is possibly essential to our diets.

Coconut oil...
increases the immune system
increases energy,
improves the digestive system,
improves heart health,
improves skin and hair,
improves brain functioning,
helps to maintain healthy blood sugar,
helps with weight loss,
helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels,
helps to prevent some diseases such as Alzheimer's/Dementia, cancer, and diabetes.

Dr. Mary Newport has done significant research on the benefits of coconut oil, especially on the possibility of it preventing and even helping to cure Alzheimer's/Dementia disease after her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  You can check out her website at and her blog at  Her book is "Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?"  If you have experienced a loved one with this terrible and sad disease, I'm sure you understand the importance of taking steps to prevent it.

Coconut oil can be used in cooking, added to smoothies/health shakes, consumed raw (1 tablespoon/day), or taken in pill form.  The Virgin/Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is recommended.
*$8.99 at

You can also use it as a skin moisturizer and a hair treatment.  I keep a container in the bathroom and moisturize with it as soon as I get out of the shower.

So be good to your body and mind!  Go buy yourself some coconut oil (or order the pill supplement) today and start reaping the short and long-term benefits!

Thanks for reading and God Bless!

*Update:  Here is an interesting article on the use of coconut oil for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease,

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Here goes my first post!

I decided to make it all about probiotics.  I was first introduced to probiotics by my Aunt Karen.  They are so important to our health and EVERYONE should take them regularly.  Sometimes we get sick and have to take an antibiotic to get rid of the bad bacteria.  But those antibiotics often remove the good bacteria that our bodies need as well!  Foods which come from animals that may have been given antibiotics may remove some of the good bacteria in our bodies too.  It's so important to replace those good bacteria and ensure that our body is constantly replenished with the bacteria that we need.

Probiotics keep our gastrointestinal system healthy by maintaining the good bacteria that we need to keep the system functioning well.  Our gastrointestinal system is very connected to our immune system, so probiotics strengthen our immune system as well.

Most people who take probiotics claim to feel a positive difference(s) afterwards - sick less often, less/no constipation, more energy, etc.

There are tons of probiotics out there, especially now since it's almost becoming a new (healthy) trend.  Do your research and see which is best for you.  I take Jarrow Formula probiotics.

Sometimes I take a capsule with a full glass of water (on an empty stomach is recommended), but I also started making my own smoothies/juices lately and I empty 1 or 2 capsules into it before blending.

Most yogurts (including frozen yogurt) have probiotics in them, but be careful because most yogurts also contain a ton of sugar, sometimes as much as a candy bar!  It's much better to take probiotic capsules instead of relying on yogurt.

Hope this was helpful and informative!  Thanks for reading and God Bless!