Sunday, February 17, 2013

Coconut Oil - Alzheimer's/Dementia treatment and other health benefits

I have recently been made aware of the significant benefits of coconut oil and implemented it into my diet.  The benefits are seemingly endless - healthier skin, healthier hair, healthier mind, healthier body now and in the future...

Coconut oil, while used in many other countries for years, received a bad rap in the U.S. for a while.  It's benefits are now becoming more known and appreciated.  Many are realizing that it is possibly essential to our diets.

Coconut oil...
increases the immune system
increases energy,
improves the digestive system,
improves heart health,
improves skin and hair,
improves brain functioning,
helps to maintain healthy blood sugar,
helps with weight loss,
helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels,
helps to prevent some diseases such as Alzheimer's/Dementia, cancer, and diabetes.

Dr. Mary Newport has done significant research on the benefits of coconut oil, especially on the possibility of it preventing and even helping to cure Alzheimer's/Dementia disease after her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  You can check out her website at and her blog at  Her book is "Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?"  If you have experienced a loved one with this terrible and sad disease, I'm sure you understand the importance of taking steps to prevent it.

Coconut oil can be used in cooking, added to smoothies/health shakes, consumed raw (1 tablespoon/day), or taken in pill form.  The Virgin/Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is recommended.
*$8.99 at

You can also use it as a skin moisturizer and a hair treatment.  I keep a container in the bathroom and moisturize with it as soon as I get out of the shower.

So be good to your body and mind!  Go buy yourself some coconut oil (or order the pill supplement) today and start reaping the short and long-term benefits!

Thanks for reading and God Bless!

*Update:  Here is an interesting article on the use of coconut oil for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease,

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Here goes my first post!

I decided to make it all about probiotics.  I was first introduced to probiotics by my Aunt Karen.  They are so important to our health and EVERYONE should take them regularly.  Sometimes we get sick and have to take an antibiotic to get rid of the bad bacteria.  But those antibiotics often remove the good bacteria that our bodies need as well!  Foods which come from animals that may have been given antibiotics may remove some of the good bacteria in our bodies too.  It's so important to replace those good bacteria and ensure that our body is constantly replenished with the bacteria that we need.

Probiotics keep our gastrointestinal system healthy by maintaining the good bacteria that we need to keep the system functioning well.  Our gastrointestinal system is very connected to our immune system, so probiotics strengthen our immune system as well.

Most people who take probiotics claim to feel a positive difference(s) afterwards - sick less often, less/no constipation, more energy, etc.

There are tons of probiotics out there, especially now since it's almost becoming a new (healthy) trend.  Do your research and see which is best for you.  I take Jarrow Formula probiotics.

Sometimes I take a capsule with a full glass of water (on an empty stomach is recommended), but I also started making my own smoothies/juices lately and I empty 1 or 2 capsules into it before blending.

Most yogurts (including frozen yogurt) have probiotics in them, but be careful because most yogurts also contain a ton of sugar, sometimes as much as a candy bar!  It's much better to take probiotic capsules instead of relying on yogurt.

Hope this was helpful and informative!  Thanks for reading and God Bless!